Provided below are forms for Consumers to get started with CDPAP with our agency.

If you need help with anything, please call us at (718) 831-2900.

Please Note: Edison Home Health Care does not administer the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP). Application and enrollment for CDPAP must go through your Local Department of Social Services or Medicaid plan.

Click the button below to download a 1 page outline explaining the 3 basic parts of enrolling in CDPAP.

Download Now

Want to learn if you qualify for CDPAP? Click the button below to get instant feedback on your eligibility!

Get Instant Eligibility Feedback

Changing Health Plans

PCP Transfer Form (for Consumer)

    • Consumer needs this form filled out by their Doctor to transfer from their current plan to any other type of health care plan.

Our Welcome Package for CDPAP Consumers

CDPAP Welcome Package (for Consumer)

    • General information for the consumer including rules and guidelines for CDPAP. Take a look to learn more about your rights as a consumer and what type of coverage is included in CDPAP.

Thank you for your interest in our services. We would love to assist you. The CDPAP program answers yes to the question, can a family member get paid to be a caregiver in new york?  If you are ready to take control of your home care and to choose a family member or someone you know who will get paid to be your caregiver, please call us at 718-831-2900.